الأربعاء، 24 ديسمبر 2014

شد البطن بالطرق الصحيحة و الصحية شاهدها الأن

تمارين لشد عضلات البطن و طرق التخلص من الكرش [ تمارين شد البطن ]

تمارين شد البطن و شد العضلات وطرق التخلص من الكرش المعتادة يمكنك عملها ولكن تأثيرها بطىء جداً على عكس النظام الموجود بالكتاب  هاهى تمارين شد البطن بالوصف يمكنك إلقاء نظؤة عليها وتجربتها و ستعرف الفرق بين نظامنا وبين هذه التمارين  إذا لم تحمل الكتاب بعد حمله الأن من هنا http://bit.ly/1nF3NuA
تساعد التمارين الرياضية على تقليل الدهون التي تغطي عضلات البطن من خلال حرق السعرات الحرارية بمعدل متسارع، حيث توصي الكلية الأمريكية للطب الرياضي بأن جميع البالغين الأصحاء تحت سن 65 لابد وأن يمارسوا الرياضة المعتدلة 30 دقيقة على الأقل خمسة أيام في الأسبوع.

وإليكم مجموعة من التمرينات الخاصة بشد عضلات البطن للمبتدئين بممارسة الرياضة.

استلق على الظهر والذراعين مشدودتين إلى جانبك مع رفع القدمين عن الأرض والحرص على أن تكون أصابع القدمين مشدودة نحو الأعلى. حاول أن تكون عضلات البطن والظهر مشدودة. اخفض الساق اليمنى مع الشهيق، ولكن لا تدع القدم تلامس الأرض ثم قم باستبدال القدم اليسرى باليمنى بحركة تشبه المقص وبعدها قم بإخراج الهواء عن طريق الزفير. كرر هذا التمرين عدة مرات يومياً.

استلق على الجانب الأيسر مع الحفاظ على الساقين ممدودتين بشكل مستقيم فوق بعضهما. ضع رأسك على ذراعك اليسرى وهي ممدودة وقم باستنشاق الهواء إلى الداخل مع رفع الساقين عن الأرض ثم خفضهما مع الزفير دون ملامستهما الأرض.

كرر هذا التمرين من 5-10 مرات مبدئياً ثم استلق على الجانب الآخر وكرره بنفس الطريقة.

التدريب على العجلة الرياضية أو القيام بحركة الدراجة مناسب جداً ومفيد لمنطقة البطن.

الاستلقاء على الأرض والذراعين خلف الرأس ثم دفع الركبة اليمنى نحو الإبط الأيسر، ومن ثم الركبة اليسرى نحو الإبط الأيمن بالتناوب. كرر هذه الحركة 15 مرة لكل جهة.
تمرين الكرة الرياضية من أفضل التمارين  التي تحفز على حرق دهون البطن، حيث يحرك هذا التمرين معظم عضلات البطن في وقت واحد وبالتالي سيعطي نتائج مذهلة في حال المداومة والاستمرار بممارسته. 
تمرين دوران الجذع حيث تقف وتقوم بالدوران بمنطقة الجذع فقط لناحية اليمين واليسار مع تحريك اليدين في عدة أوضاع مختلفة أو حمل أثقال في اليدين وليس بالضرورة أن تكون حديدية حيث يمكنك أن تحمل زجاجات معبأة بالماء أو الرمال  وتكرار الدوران أكثر من مرة

تمارين لشد عضلات البطن و طرق التخلص من الكرش [ تمارين شد البطن ]

 كلمات دلالية 

تمارين.  البطن.  بطن.  تمارين لشد البطن.  تمارين شد البطن.  تمارين لشد.  تمارين البطن.  اكو فد واحد.  المبتدئين.  بعد الولادة.  تخسيس البطن.  عضلات.  لشد.  الكرش.  كمال اجسام.  عضلاتها.  للمستوي.  تمرين سهل.  الحصول.  التخلص.  ترهلات.  في البيت.  طريقة.  تقوية.  الاول.  تمرينات.  السعودية.  الجزيرة.  العربية.  احسن.  للرجال.  طبيعيا.  الكويت.  الربيع.  العربي.  السوري.  تمرين.  افضل.  الصدر.  اجسام.  تقسيم.  بغداد.  فضيحة.  كيكرز.  عضلة.  بسيط.  بناء.  فيدو.  جديد.  صدام.  حسين.  ميسي.  كورة.  اضحك.  سهلة.  مصر.  قطر.  جده.  هاي.  

رابط الفيديو http://youtu.be/OtBicjr-Df8

الجمعة، 19 ديسمبر 2014

Google Sniper v3.0

Google Sniper Review

Google Sniper 3.0 Review You can buy Google Sniper 3.0 after reading and watching my review 

about it via this link http://tinyurl.com/gsniper3-0review

to get this special bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 find out more @ the end of description

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

So what exactly is George Brown’s ‘Google Sniper 3.0’?

Google Sniper 3.0’ is a comprehensive program that can turn anybody from a beginner marketer to a super affiliate earning up to $6,000 a month or potential for even more. Google Sniper 3.0 is the totally updated and refreshed version of the highly successful Google Sniper that was first released in 2009. Google Sniper was then updated in 2011 bringing you Google Sniper 2.0, and now in 2014 has been stripped back again and updated. It is George’s very own step by step blueprint to success by using fun instructional videos and his comprehensive manual.

If you hadn’t heard of Google Sniper before, the original version and 2.0 have been the No1 Clickbank product of all time, and amazingly has remained in the top 10 for the past 3 years. It also hold the lowest refund rate ever, yes that’s right (ever). Why? Because George makes sure his products do what they say they do, are filled with incredible information and are so easy to understand that success rates are so high, and George has many successful students.

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

Google Sniper 3.0 has been updated to combat all of Google’s changes, whether it is Panda, Penguin or any future changes. All of the video content has been redone; the manual has been totally stripped back and optimized with all of the latest updates to keep your websites on top. The entire member’s area has been totally redesigned and looks ever better than before.

I purchased Google Sniper 2.o version and you can read more on my success with it here. This is the first time I made money online, so when I knew it was being updated I was pretty excited and couldn’t wait to get my hands on it again with all the new information.

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

Google-Sniper-PictureIs it ideal for a beginner Affiliate Marketer?

Absolutely, George gets right back to basics and covers everything, so if you are new to affiliate marketing or to making money online you will have all the information you need. It will start by walking you through the entire affiliate marketing process with its 106 page EBook and tutorial videos which will take you by the hand and show you step by step the process as he goes into detail on:-

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

How to pick a winning affiliate product to promote.

How to find the right keywords to get highly targeted visitors.

Creating your website using the simple FREE WordPress platform.

How to cloak your affiliate links. (which is very important for conversions)

How to get your site ranked – have Google love you.

The ultimate SEO techniques – on page and off page.

George really provides you with an over his shoulder look of how EVERYTHING is done, he holds your hand so you know you are doing everything right. He breaks it all down into bite sized pieces to make it super easier to follow and understand. Google Sniper 3.0 also reveals if you are time poor, how you can outsource most of your business. How you can automate your business and scale it up. The more sniper sites you have making you money the more money you could be potentially making.

There really is everything you need from the total beginner to the most experienced affiliate marketer, there is something for everyone.

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

[ Google Sniper 3.0 Review ]

How To Get Google Sniper 3.0 Bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7

Just send me message at quickjumpservices@gmail.com with the recipt after buying Google Sniper 

3.0 via this link http://tinyurl.com/gsniper3-0review

you will receive Google Sniper 3.0 Bonus Within 24 hours

Thanks For Watching My Google Sniper 3.0 Review

Video Url :- http://youtu.be/AIyZ9XJaiXo


الخميس، 18 ديسمبر 2014

Chat Links Review

Chat Links Review

 - So How Can The New ChatLinks Software Help Me and My Business Profit From Live Help Support?

[ Chat Links Review ]
Chat Links Review  You can buy Chatlinks after reading  and watching my review about it via this link http://goo.gl/ikmWmQ
 to get this special bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 find out more @ the end of description

[ Chat Links Review ]

How Using Live Chat Software Can Help You Increase Visitor Satisfaction

The Internet has really changed the way that people do their shopping today. Online stores have now replaced physical stores as people's preferred shopping places. Most people prefer online shopping because of the convenience. You can easily buy anything from a DVD to a car right from the comfort of your home or office. Everything is available for you to buy at the click of a button.

[ Chat Links Review ]

Online shopping might seem quite easy as well as hustle free, but it still is not as perfect as it sounds. The problem of lack of face-to-face interaction still lingers. In an online store, there is no assistant to help you out when you face problems. If you own an online business, you need to ensure that you integrate live chat software to smooth out these problems.

[ Chat Links Review ]

Live chat software is web-based and it helps you achieve seamless one-on-one interaction with your clients. If you have the software installed, it means that if your clients encounter any problems in the buying process, that they are sure that someone is available to help them. Once you are able to provide instant solutions to your clients, you win over their trust as well as satisfaction levels. 

[ Chat Links Review ]

Live chat also enhances the shopping experience for your clients by providing the correct assistance at the correct time. You can only deliver your clients expectations only when you have complete knowledge of their activities on your website. The live chat softwares tracking capabilities help you keep an eye on the activities of visitors to your website.

[ Chat Links Review ]

For instance, if you were to realize that a particular visitor has spent quite a bit of time on your website but has not made any purchase. All you have to do is ask the client what he or she is looking for. Use the chat box window to provide guidance to the client until he or she is satisfied. You may opt to help the client draw a comparison between different products or even provide additional information regarding a particular product by providing various URLs.

[ Chat Links Review ]

The checkout stage of an online purchase is usually where customers tend to be stuck. If you approach them at the appropriate time and guide them properly, you will help them navigate through the checkout process quite smoothly. Live chat software will help facilitate this process since without it you will probably lose the client due to the frustrations of the checkout process. 

[ Chat Links Review ]

Live chat software has definitely enhance shopping experiences online. The software is web-based and it helps online retailers provide real-time, on the spot, and personalized assistance to clients and potential clients. Using this very important software, online retailers are able to save their clients valuable time by helping them in choosing the best product.

[ Chat Links Review ]

You can even be justified in saying live chat software has helped online retailers create a perfect shopping experience for their clients. This article has detailed the benefits of using live chat software for your online business. It is the right time to make use of this software if you have not done so already and start enjoying the benefits.

[ Chat Links Review ]

How To Get Chatlinks Bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7
Just send me message at quickjumpservices@gmail.com with the recipt after buying  Chat Links  via this link http://goo.gl/ikmWmQ
you will receive Chat Links Bonus Within 24 hours

Thanks For Watching My Chatlinks Review

الأربعاء، 17 ديسمبر 2014

Video Rizer ultimate review

Video Rizer ultimate review

 an awesome video list building weapon
[ Video Rizer Review ]
Video Rizer Review  You can buy Video Rizer after reading  and watching my review about it via this linkhttp://goo.gl/lmv37o
 to get this special bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 find out more @ the end of description

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

The Power of Video Marketing on the Internet Revealed

Top marketing experts agree that utilizing a great online video marketing technique is one of several best steps you can take to further improve your company. By implementing intelligent and effective Video Rizer bonus marketing techniques you are sure to dramatically increase both the sales and profits. Read on to learn great video marketing tips.

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

Your videos will end up popular should you share them efficiently. You should create a free account on YouTube and also on other similar sites your audience uses, feature your videos on your site or Video Rizer reviews and tutorials Rizer homepage blog and share them on social networks. If possible, get other bloggers and people who are influential on social networks to talk about your videos.

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

When making video, use a three category approach. You'll need to use showpiece, workhorse, and long-tail videos. Showpiece videos simply use visual flare to generate the business enterprise look presentable. Workhorse videos give customers an insight as to what the company offers. Long-tail videos address specific topics more in depth compared to the other videos.

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers inside Caribbean, so I returned to keep up her, believing that my days as being a vlogger were over. When I got to St Maarten, it absolutely was Carnival season, and beyond sheer boredom, I began to record the dancing girls. I got the neighborhood bands to allow for me to work with their original music, and practiced editing the videos for the music. 15 million views later, I'm still an amateur, but I'm now an amateur with almost 50 million Youtube views. I received millions full demo of Video Rizer (Recommended Reading) views, not because I'm a great dancer or videographer. I receive views, because I hear constructive criticism, I know how to analyze my analytics in order that I can target my audience, plus it doesn't actually matter how amateur your Video Rizer marketing plugin is, whether it's interesting, you will get Video Rizer coupon viewers, and finally your own personal fanbase.

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

Don't continue too long. People have short attention spans so you need to capture their interest quickly. Be direct and keep your sales pitch simple. A good general guideline is usually to maintain message to within minute an internet to attract new clients. You can go more time for videos aimed towards establish customers, but keep those relatively short too.

 [ Video Rizer Review ]

How To GetVideo Rizer Bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7
Just send me message at quickjumpservices@gmail.com with the recipt after buying  script doll via this link http://goo.gl/lmv37o
you will receive Video Rizer Bonus Within 24 hours

Thanks For Watching My Video Rizer Review

السبت، 22 نوفمبر 2014

HostGator Review 2014

HostGator Coupon Code

[ HostGator Review ] [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014  ]
[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014  ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off http://goo.gl/iAAW4y

I Hope You Like It
HostGator has features that cater to both people who are creating their first website and those who have web hosting experience. The service would benefit from more intuitive usability and quicker support response times. HostGator’s hosting packages deliver unbeatable value with unlimited hosting capabilities.

[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014 ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off

HostGator is a flexible and feature-rich web hosting service that excels in terms of unlimited services, with unrestricted bandwidth and disk space. The service also provides unlimited subdomains, so you can host as many websites under your account as you want. Although the service is brimming with features, HostGator lacks some of the intuitiveness and usability found on our higher-ranked web hosting services. But if you are willing to spend the time and effort necessary to learn your way around the service, HostGator delivers robust hosting capabilities at an exceptional value.

[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014 ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off

HostGator offers three different hosting packages. Each package provides the unlimited features detailed above, and the service supports international domains. With the business plan, you also get your own toll-free number and a dedicated IP address and private SSL.

[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014 ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off

When it comes to features, HostGator provides all of the general features we were looking for, including a site builder, shopping carts for eCommerce websites and easy one-click installs of popular website apps and platforms. HostGator also includes an impressive amount of email features in each of its plans. In addition to a webmail option, you can create an unlimited amount of POP3 accounts. Additional email features include email aliases, auto-responders, mailing lists, catch-alls and mail forwarding. Finally, you don’t have to worry about spam because HostGator includes Spam Assassin in each of its packages, a powerful spam protection program that effectively keeps unwanted junk emails out of your inbox.

[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014 ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off

Overall, we are impressed with HostGator’s feature set, which includes some advanced features including custom cron jobs and error pages. Cron jobs refer to server tasks you can schedule to occur automatically, such as downloading email. The service, however, lacks a script library. While these features aren’t essential to web hosting, they are convenient and give advanced users more hands-on control of their website.

[ HostGator Review ] Use this [ HostGator Coupon Code 2014 ]" Kenozyco25 " to get 25% off

HostGator is a web hosting service that’s relatively easy to use, though it does require you to spend some time learning your way around the service. Not all of its features are intuitive, and it will likely take you a few minutes to learn how to navigate its interface. It’s a similar story with the service’s support; it’s good but there is definite room for improvement. On the HostGator website, you can read the frequently asked questions, browse through user forums or view video tutorials. You can also contact the company for technical support via email, live chat or toll-free telephone. While we think the company expertly strikes a balance between good help documentation and effective contact methods, we’d like to see better response times; more than once we waited to speak with a rep online and on the telephone for nearly an hour. 

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الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

Script Doll Bonus

Script Doll

[ Script Doll Review ]
Script Doll Review  You can buy script doll after reading  and watching my review about it via this link http://goo.gl/P5VmSK
 to get this special bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 find out more @ the end of description

Writing Great Sales Pages That Convert [ Script Doll Review ]

The ability to write great sales pages is not a skill that everyone has.  For more insights, take a look at my Script Doll Review page, where I go in detail and talk about this auto-sales page creating software.

[ Script Doll Review ]

Try as you might, you’ll most likely never have the ability to write website copy that’s at the million-dollar amount. It takes decades of expertise to comprehend just the way to write a sales letter that will convert folks quite readily.

[ Script Doll Review ]

Your skill to do thus might be there, and also you can try and write one on your own. Yet, after analyzing it, and if you aren’t converting, you’ll most definitely are looking for a sales duplicate professional that could produce your sales letter that will help you convert more visitors into buyers.

[ Script Doll Review ]

This short summary of the value of sales letters for product starts should show you just why it is significant to get the very best potential sales letter for folks to read in the day of your product launching.

[ Script Doll Review ]

Exactly what does Script Doll Do?
In Short, Script Doll Takes the Hard Work out of Writing Persuasive Sales Copy…
But Wait… There is More.

[ Script Doll Review ]

Make Powerful Sales Copy
It does not matter if you are creating long form sales letter for a launch or if you are working on your ecommerce website and need short form copy. You are able to build both by filling in a few fields and having Script Doll write it for you using ultra powerful templates written by World Class Copywriters.

Crank Out Money Sucking VSL Scripts [ Script Doll Review ]
If Video is really a Part of your marketing and advertising, you are going to love Script Doll. It enables you to fill in a couple of fields of info about your audience and product and it writes your Video Sales Letter Script for you. Get Ready to take the complication out of Script Writing.

Build E-mail marketing Campaigns [ Script Doll Review ]
With ScriptDoll you can write entire e-mail marketing campaigns in a matter of minutes. We will assist you to write short campaigns (5-10 emails) and, down the road, even big ones (30-60 email sequences) that you can use to sell more of your service or product.

What Makes Script Doll Amazing for Your List? [ Script Doll Review ]

The Script Doll Copy Engine and an Ever Expanding Template Library.
There’s absolutely nothing worse than staring at a blank word processor document and wrestling with beginning the writing process. The Script Doll Copy Engine makes it simple to begin with by asking you step-by-step questions.

These questions will make it simple to make sure you are targeting the right audience and while you are answering them, the Script Doll Engine will be writing your sales copy for you in the Background.

[ Script Doll Review ]

The Script Doll Engines saves even the most experienced sales script writers several hours to days of time and keeps you from having to focus on task like formatting, pacing, or sales message structure. You’re able to focus on what matters the most (understanding your client and product) with no all the time sucking task to go with it.

Not just that, you receive and ever expanding library of Templates which can assist you to write:

- Long For Sales Copy
- Short Form Sales Copy (short audio commercials, videos, or ecommerce listings)
- Video Sales Letters
- E-mail marketing Campaigns
- A Whole Lot More

All of these are written by our World Class Copywriter and Celebrity Marketing and Sales Experts.

[ Script Doll Review ]

This is the way it really works:

Step #1: Select a Type of Campaign

A) Video Script
B) Long Form Sales Copy
C) Short Form Sales Copy
D) E-mail marketing Campaign

Step #2: Select the Template

We have built-in some amazing “out of the box” templates with more coming from Celebrity Marketers and Copywriters.

Step #3: Personalize the Target Demographic and “From” Info.

Step #4: Personalize the Product Description Info.

Step #5: Tweak the Copy to Personalize it Even more using the Editor.

Step #6: Export your Copy
Use your Script Doll Generated Copy in very good programs like Lead pages, WP Profit Builder, Click funnels, Megaphone, or with your own individual design team or programs.

How To Get Script Doll Bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7
Just send me message at quickjumpservices@gmail.com with the recipt after buying  script doll via this link http://goo.gl/P5VmSK
you will receive script doll Bonus Within 24 hours

Thanks For Watching My script doll Review

Video Url :- http://youtu.be/jK9l3dU5z4o

الأربعاء، 19 نوفمبر 2014

Easy Ad Wizard Review

Easy Ad Wizard Review

UNCUT Easy Ad Wizard Review & Bonus check the bonus here http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 and get it now check the end of description
 buy Easy Ad Wizard Via This Link http://goo.gl/MQ7RBb 

Easy Ad Wizard Review – So How Can The Easy Ad Wizard Software Help Me Maximize My Profits From Banner Ads?

[ Easy Ad Wizard Review ]
Creating A Profitable Ad Campaign: Three Simple Steps – Easy Ad Wizard Banner Ad Designing Software

If you want to have a profitable ad campaign, there are certain things that you need to do. Your ability to convert visitors into sales all begins with having the right ad. Whether you are marketing in the real world using classifieds, or you are an online marketer using Google or Facebook to drive targeted traffic, your ad copy is everything in regard to your CTR, your ROI, and the profits you are able to make throughout the year.

Here’s how you can create a profitable ad campaign in three simple steps.

[ Easy Ad Wizard Review ]

Creating A Profitable Advertising Campaign

The first thing that you need to do is look at what everyone else is doing, specifically ads that have been around for quite some time. You can actually buy programs that will monitor how long an ad has been running which is usually indicative of the fact that it is converting very well. Second, you will want to follow that ad and look at the landing page, because that is the other half of the equation. You will want to emulate what the landing page looks like in order to get similar results. Third, the product or service that they are offering should be available to you if you can join the company and make money as an affiliate. Essentially, you can back engineer any profitable ad campaign using these three simple steps.

Starting Your Ad Campaign Today

As long as you are able to move forward with some type of advertising budget, and utilize these three simple steps, you should quickly be able to replicate profitable ad campaigns that you have found, and even improve upon them over time. As you test each ad, tweaking various aspects of your ad copy, your landing page, and the products that you offer, you will gradually find one or two very profitable campaigns that will make you money for many months to come.

[ Easy Ad Wizard Review ]

Why Ad Copy Is So Important For Successful Marketing

Although people are moving more toward search engine optimization in order to generate traffic that they can convert into sales, advertising copy is still important if you use advertising mediums such as Facebook and Google to drive targeted qualified visitors to your websites and offers. Successful marketing has always been about having an ad that people will take notice of, and want to learn more about what you have to sell. To run a profitable campaign, high CTR is always important, something that will allow you to get your clicks for lower amounts, and through the higher volume of traffic, make more money.

How To Create Profitable Ads  [ Easy Ad Wizard Review ]

It’s actually not that hard to create a profitable advertisement, although you are limited on platforms like Google. You only have a certain amount of space by which to capture their attention, and get them curious enough to actually click through. Once they are on your main sales page, the sales copy will take over and will either generate a sale, or they will go on their way. Regardless of what you do, whether it is SEO, video marketing, or selling with paid advertising , traffic is the key to your success.

Running Profitable Ad Campaigns  [ Easy Ad Wizard Review ]

Almost everyone that has done advertising on the Internet, or who has used classifieds on the web, understands that it’s important to have profitable campaigns which means you have to test. Testing is the key to making sure that you will have an ad that will convert, and once it does, you can roll it out to a higher level. You will know that by your percentages, and the amount of conversions, if you will benefit from spending more money on your advertising, leading to higher profits online.

How To Get This Special Bonus ?! 

How To get Easy Ad Wizard Bonus in 2 Steps ? 
1-Buy Easy Ad Wizard Via This Link http://goo.gl/MQ7RBb 
To Get The Following Bonus http://www.im-tools-review.com/?page_id=7 
2- Just Send Me The Receipt to Quickjumpservices@gmail.com 
and you will get this bonus in less than 24 hours